Saturday, May 21, 2005

Yoga in Bed

Perhaps not as risque as some of you might have expected this post to be, Yoga in Bed, by Edward Vilga is simply a new book I got from my sister a couple of weeks ago. The book has about ten common yoga poses for morning and for nighttime, and all of them can be done from the comfort of your own bed. The first night I tried it out and basically fell dead asleep, waking up at 8 a.m. the next morning with the book in bed beside me and my bedside light still on. Apparently, this yoga stuff is quite relaxing!

I did the Yoga in Bed exercises in the mornings and evenings for a full week. Even though it meant that I got to sleep (or rather, to my book) 20 minutes later and had to wake up 20 minutes earlier (or spend less time pretending to fall back asleep and lazing around in bed) to get the exercises in and still get in the shower at the same time, I really have to say that I felt great that week. Less stress in my shoulders, better sleeping through the night, etc.

Then I took a week off, and I felt pretty horrid. Was it not doing the yoga, or was it other external factors? Just in case, I am back on it again. At least for another week. I do get bored after a while, which is why I gave up the various yoga workouts I have on DVD, but if I only have to commit to 10 or 15 minutes (instead of 45 on the DVD) maybe it will stick?

The challenge will be keeping it up when Les moves down here. You really do need a whole king size bed to yourself to do the poses. It may become Yoga in Bedroom on Floor or Yoga Before Your Husband Comes to Bed instead.

The best parts of the book are the photos. The model truly looks like she's having a fabulous time doing the poses!. If yoga is that much fun, why aren't we all doing it?

So, check out Yoga in Bed and if you try it, let me know how it goes. My blood pressure is going down just thinking about it.

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