Wednesday, May 25, 2005

In Transition

I haven't posted for a while and here's why: Les and I are in the process of moving our personal belongings from Michigan down to Nashville and I've been mentally preoccupied with prep for this move. We've lived apart for over four months so this reconnection is exciting stuff! I can't wait for us to be living under the same roof again! I also feel that, once he's here, the exploration (and blogging about the exploration) of Nashville will begin in earnest.

In preparation, I'll be moving from a one-bedroom to a two-bedroom this week. I don't have much stuff, but it's amazing how spread out it all got in the course of a few months. I have been packing bags and boxes in a half-hearted fashion this week but will kick it into high gear tonight. Since I have so few things and since I'm just moving within the apartment complex, I keep procrastinating the packing process, instead playing computer games or watching DVDs. But it will probably take longer than I think it will and I need to clean the apartment before I officially turn over the keys, so I have to plan for that kind of time as well.

Everything in my apartment can fit in my car and is light enough for me to carry. Except for my TV, which I'm not sure how I'm going to move (my brother-in-law said, "You live in the South now. People are helpful and will help you move it!"). I have some Plan B's, but we'll see how it goes. Other than the TV, it feels like I'm in college again. How great to have only a few things and easily moveable things at that. I am ready to become a vagabond, moving from place to place on a whim.

Erm, except for all the stuff that's going into the 24 foot Uhaul we're renting next week...


337is said...

Sounds like you could use a "Big Daddy" to come and help you move...too bad there's no cheats for real life eh?

Michael Hickerson said...

I've been in Nash-vegas over a year now and I am amazed at all the nooks and crannies I have left to explore.

LMR said...

Michael, love the Nash-vegas moniker! I haven't heard that one yet. Although Nashville is small-ish, I do feel like I have nearly endless opportunities for exploration. The other positive is that this city doesn't suffer from the sprawl of many other cities I've lived near, so most of the exploration can happen within a 30 minute radius. Thanks for posting.