Monday, May 09, 2005

Mnemonic Device

When I first moved into my own place in Nashville, one of the first purchases had to be a coffeemaker. We have a really nice ($65 from Sears) coffeemaker in Michigan, which I knew was eventually coming down here, so I selected a really inexpensive coffeemaker ($12 from Wal-Mart) as my temporary brewmaster (and just think, when the two coffeemakers are in the same house, we could have one in the kitchen and one in the living room or one in the bedroom and one in the bathroom -- it seems so luxurious!). One of the disadvantages of a cheap coffeemaker is that it does not have automatic shut-off (of course, our other one does, because it's top o' the line) and so I was often locking up the front door of my apartment, wondering Did I really shut off the coffeemaker?, and then needing to go back in just to double-check. Coincidentally, I happened to see a draft of a book Thomas Nelson was putting together which was about memory exercises. Ironically, I forget the name of the book. One of the exercises was to say out loud when you were doing something you wanted to remember doing, so now every morning I say out loud Turning off the coffeemaker, as I flip the switch. I also use it for Locking the door, because I never ever had to lock a door in Michigan so I fear sometimes that I will forget to do it.

I never have to say Taking a shower, or Eating breakfast, or Watching my favorite shows on Sunday night. I am encouraged that at the ripe old age of 31 I haven't totally lost my mind.


mike g said...

Jen will sure think I'm strange the next time I blurt out "Putting on deoderant." So that I don't forget and put it on twice. That's a good tip though!

337is said...

Just what is you fixation with having one thing in a normal place and another one somewhere else? I used to think you were a little strange for wanting both a "kitchen" microwave and a "bedroom" microwave for heating neck wraps (AKA Warm Worms...but now that this carries over to other appliances (ours is a Krups by the way) I am moderately alarmed.

Your irony is hilarious…I fully approve of that sort of behavior.

Just because you “never ever had to lock a door in Michigan” doesn’t mean you didn’t…closing the garage door and checking it twice…thrice…whatever, multiple times…was the same as locking the door. So is closing the drapes. And telling me to behave.

Mike is a deodorant-double-dipper? Who knew?!

mike g said...

If I do things out of my normal order I either forget to do it or forget I did it. Last weekend Jen smelled my pits for me to see if I put deoderant on (luckily I had). It's only happened once though.

LMR said...

I have smelled my own pits to see if I remembered to put on deodorant. I never thought about getting my spouse to do it! Good idea!

I used to keep a thing (bar, tube, container, package, what is that called?) of deodorant in my desk at work just in case. I think I had to use it twice. That was during the days when I was very stressed out and distracted. It was good to have a back-up. Now, I live so close to work that I could run home if I needed to.

I fully agree with you about needing to do things in a certain order. I wish I was more flexible, but Oh Well!