Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Number 9

Today is my first 9th wedding anniversary (the second 9th wedding anniversary is June 16, for those of you who forgot to send a card this month; yes, we had two wedding ceremonies).

For the rabid fans of this blog who didn't know I was married and who thought that every time I referenced "Les" I was slipping temporarily into French (oooh la la!), I apologize for leading you on. But, c'mon, the writing was on the wall (or the blog, so to speak). Time to stop living in your fantasy world. I'm taken!

Now that I've cleared that up, back to my thoughts on being married 9 years. Folks, it went by fast. But when I look back on all that's happened, it seems like we've packed more than 9 year's worth of adventure in, which is a great feeling. No boredom or dulldrums, and a good measure of laughter, tears, arguments, good cooking, play, laziness, productivity, and all the other things that make life different and challenging from one day to the next.

I now know that marriage isn't for everyone (that wasn't something I knew nine years ago when I got marriend, however), and I get that. But I'm still personally a fan of it, and a fan of being married to Les himself.

So, without getting too sappy, here's thanks to Les for making the last nine years a worthwhile way to spend my time. You've continued to keep me engaged and interested and challenged. That's what I want and that's what I appreciate about you. Here's to many more years of adventure together. Happy Anniversary!

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