Wednesday, May 11, 2005


I added a link to NPR to my blog because I recently realized how much I missed and love NPR and wanted to proclaim it by linking to it. When I lived in Michigan, my commute was an hour each way so I listened to a lot of NPR every week. When I moved to Nashville, I didn't know where the NPR stations were, and being too lazy to look it up online, I just listened to other stuff instead. Plus, my commute is now only six minutes, so some days I don't even listen to anything at all.

I didn't think I missed it until I channel-surfed into the NPR station one afternoon on the drive home. The voices and the theme songs were like old friends to this stranger in a strange land and I immediately added it to my radio memory (button #6) and have been listening to it regularly ever since.

On a culture-shock note, I also recently realized that in Ann Arbor people at work talked about NPR all the time -- we all heard the same stories on our drives in and talked about them over lunch. I don't feel like I hear that as much now and I miss it, if only because I felt it kept me more up to date on current events.

Anyway, I love NPR and proudly fly it's colors! Bum-bum-bum-bum, bum-bum-bum-bum!


mike g said...

I listen to NPR all day long on the jobsite while I'm rehabbing. It keeps me company since I usually am alone. I've also decided that NPR is not liberal in their coverage but rather in the topics they choose to cover. They give a fair shake to all sides, but they cover topics that other news organizations shy away from because they are considered liberal. I also love the online archives for shows I miss and listen to some shows online (Smart City) that my local station doesn't air.

337is said...

My relationship really ebbs and flows with NPR...when I don't listen to it for a few days I really miss it...but lately, it seems like EVERYTHING they cover is super heavy and depressing. It's not that I don't want to hear hard news but a constant diet of it really depresses me. I think I've figured out something about ATC though...the second half hour of an hour is generally more special interest and lighter fare. That's when I try to tune in. I also think our Ann Arbor station is too talk-heavy for an NPR station. They do news all the time! I'd like it better if they had a mixture of music and news.