Friday, May 27, 2005

Howell to Nashville: Stage 1 Complete!

Just a note to let you know that we have completed Stage 1 of our move to Nashville! On Thursday night and all day today I packed about six Honda-loads of stuff, thoroughly cleaned my old one-bedroom apartment (and realized that I probably should have cleaned it that thoroughly when I moved in because the cupboards and windows were pretty dirty!), and was all moved before noon today! A friend at work loaned me his “dolly” (moving cart) so I was even able to easily move my 27” TV, the item I was most worried about moving. I am just moving to another apartment within the same complex, so the TV and a dresser made the move sans Honda. I just rolled them through the parking lot, up a hill, over a really big speedbump, and they were “home”!

I spent this afternoon putting things away to get ready for Stage 2 of the Howell to Nashville move. Things are in pretty good shape in the new apartment, aside from a counterful of boxes and a couple corners of more boxes. Right now, I can do cartwheels in each of the main rooms! It is kind of amazing how much stuff I accumulated in just four months, especially considering how spartan my living quarters looked! Thanks to everyone who helped me get a semblance of a setup down here! You did a better job than it appeared!

Here’s an apartment to apartment breakdown:
Old / New

Bedrooms: 1 / 2
Bathrooms: 1 / 1.5
Sq.Ft.: 715 / 1020
Rent: $585 / $625
Smell: Stale smoke (I found out a drug dealer used to live there!) / new paint
Approach: Walk in off of the parking lot (no stairs) / walk in off the parking lot (no stairs)
View: Other apartment building & parking lot / parking lot and swimming pool

In amazing news, I did 32,000 steps yesterday (an average day for me is 10,000 and my previous record was 24,000)! No wonder I was tired by the end of the day! This apartment has a nice feel and I am right at home already. Can’t wait to get Les down here, too. And the rest of our stuff (we’re planning to start packing the truck on Thursday), although I am ready to be done with moving for a while after this.

Well, I am catching a plane to MI tomorrow morning so I’d better start getting ready for that. Have a great Memorial Day weekend and you’ll hear from me in about a week!

1 comment:

337is said...

Could do cartwheels eh? Those days are long gone with me and my crap infiltrating...I'm a true spacehog and I apologise.