Saturday, July 30, 2005

Tennessee Plate

I thought I would share this photo of my new license plate with all of you. I knew I wanted the Watchable Wildlife/Bluebird plate (the most popular specialty plate) because I saw about 30 bluebirds in one spring month after I first arrived here, and the extra money to get this plate is deposited in the Watchable Wildlife Endowment Fund to be used exclusively for the preservation of non-game and endangered wildlife species. I wasn't sure what kind of personalization I'd be able to come up with using only five letters, and figured that I would just get what they gave me if I couldn't think of anything. LR2TN was my first choice, but apparently someone out there (and I will find you!) already has it, so they made up my second choice instead, and I'm happy with it, if only for a year. Next year, I won't be so new, now will I?

In other exciting Tennessee license plate news (I know you're waiting breathlessly to read the rest of this paragraph...), our state will be a launching a new standard plate in January 2006! Since arriving in this state, I have been complaining about how old and dorky the current standard plate is, and I could not be happier that my complaints have been heard and we'll be seeing the new plates out on the road in just a few short months. If you would like to see a picture of the new plate and read the press release, click here. (I have to add that TN has some of the most awkward-to-navigate online information about license plates, so please click the link above instead of trying to find the information yourself. It will take you at least ten minutes to even locate information about license plates in TN at all.)

I am still waiting to see what Les is going to get for his own license plate. He had "culture" in Michigan, but that will be too many letters for the plates he likes, so he'll have to abbreviate. Somehow, I don't think my "cltr" is going to be the winning entry.

1 comment:

337is said...

I’m thinking of NEVER getting a license plate now…if I can’t get what I want I don’t want anything.