Friday, July 22, 2005

Somehow, I Never Even Saw It Coming

Artist's Statement: When I look at this painting, my first thought is, "Gosh, that bird looks so cuddly!" My second thought is, "How do those stubby little wings keep him airborne?" Who cares what that girl is thinking? She looks like she's thinking about something boring anyway.
I once heard a story about a hummingbird that ate so much that he could not fly. The person who picked him up off the ground (where he was just plopped down, all fat like) put him in a box overnight and the next morning he had metabolized all the nectar and could fly again. This painting reminds us that good and bad things can sneak up on us and surprise us. If you wait, something else will come along, good or bad, and life will change again. Looking around helps you anticipate the changes, but doesn't necessarily change what will happen. And sometimes someone else intervenes and keeps us safe until our shock wears off and we can handle life again.
This is my first forray into the world of painting. I'm not sure what's up with that stripe through the middle, but I thought I would share this painting with you all anyway. That kind of looks like me, so it's obviously autobiographical in some way. I just made up all the stuff above on the spot, so if you would like to post your interpretations of what's going on in this painting, I would appreciate it. You are probably more right than I am, and I like to delve into my unconscious mind as much as the next starving artist.

Ironically, I was not wearing my shirt that says "Artists Have More Fun" when I made this. But I was having a lot of fun nonetheless.

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