Sunday, July 24, 2005

A Bad Habit

I must confess a bad habit to my long-time readers. For the past month, I have been creating posts that I have back-dated so it appears I created them in May, when really I may have written them in July. I did this so that I wouldn't constantly be saying things like, "A few months ago . . . " or "On May 28 . . . " since it sometimes takes me a while to get around to putting the event or thought into my blog. Instead, it appears as if I was diligently writing the posts a few hours after the subject matter actually happened. "Ah, what a dedicated blogger!" some may have thought. Well, it's time to come clean.

Temporarily looking like a dedicated blogger (even if you decide to shoot yourself in the foot later by confessing your tricks) is one of the great things about being able to change the date and time on your posts. The other great thing is being able to blog at work and make it look like you aren't. Not that I would know from experience.

While post-dated posting doesn't really affect any new readers, since they're working their way backwards through the blog anyway, it does affect people who have been reading my blog from Day 1. Most long-term readers (and I love all three of them!) would probably not go back and reread past months, thinking that surely nothing new has appeared there. Thanks to Blogger time travel magic, however, they would be wrong. I just thought I would let everyone know.

Now that our big Michigan-to-Nashville move is over, however, and life is back to normal and pretty chilled out, I feel quite caught up on blogging and am not anticipating much more post-dated blogging.

Or I'll just come back and correct this post in a few months if that proves not to be the case.


mike g said...

I'm calling for a senate investigation and a special prosecutor right after I go back and read those posts.

Anonymous said...

Shocked, SHOCKED I tell you. and I suspect that what you mean by "life is back to normal and pretty chilled out" is that it's too darn hot down there and you'll be staying inside more, with lots of time to write your blogs. in real time. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Why has the Toaster stopped talking?