Sunday, July 17, 2005

Almost (a tiny little bit) Famous

I just went and checked out Nashville is Talking and saw that my blog posts end up there. I haven't seen my fake name on another website before, so it felt like a brush with fame to me. If you visit the site, you might see my posts in the sidebar!

I also noticed that someone had linked to one of my posts in one of his posts. That made me nervous! I read his post with one eye shut in case he totally lambasted me, but he agreed with me. Whew!

The world just got a little smaller to me.


Moo_Cow said...

Just when you thought it was safe to blog... ;-)

Michael Hickerson said...

I still get that little rush when I see my screen name on the Nashville is Talking blog...but then I realize that probably no one reading it is really that intereseted in my blathering about all the junk I watch on TV. It helps keep me humble...LOL