Monday, July 04, 2005

Green Goodness

I am a vegetarian who has a really hard time getting all her fruits and veggies in each day because there are a lot of things I don't like and I have a hard time finding perfect fresh fruits and veggies (they're always not ripe enough, too ripe, or not at their peak). That's why I enjoy juices which claim to have at least 2 servings of the green stuff in one bottle. All I need to do is drink two of those a day, and I'm sorted (I'm sure I can manage to get the fifth serving in there somehow). I have tried a variety of these juices (see also Odwalla SuperFood), and the one I'm enjoying right now is "Green Goodness" from Bolthouse Farms. It's sweet and easy to drink, and I can't even taste the spinach (very, very important!). Plus, it looks kind of gross, so I always feel tough when I'm drinking it.

It may be psychological, but it does make me feel awake and lively (even moreso than coffee does) after I've consumed it. I feel like I would like to drink at least one of these every day, but at about $1.40 a pop, it seems kind of frivilous to be spending money that way. I can rationalize it with, "it's for my health," but I would ultimately still be thinking that I could be eating veggies for much less money than that AND get fiber, too! Ah, the healthy eating conundrum!

Well, time to put my pizza in the oven... Do you see the irony here, people?

1 comment:

337is said...

$1.40 is cheap. Don’t be such a tightwad. You can’t buy a coffee that cheap. However, that Green Goddess stuff scares me to no end…is it sweet? Savory? Who even knows…?