Thursday, January 19, 2006

Happy Birthday, Poe!

I just heard on NPR that today is Edgar Allen Poe's birthday. I thought, "Wow! Who knew? I should totally go home and read some Poe! I have a BA in English Lit after all -- reading Poe is what I do!"

Then I thought, "Who are you kidding? You're never going to go home and read Poe! You're going to be reading Bartimaeus instead. Poe is too depressing for bedtime reading, and you never really liked his stories that much anyway!"

Then I thought, "Seriously, who has time to keep track of the birthdays of famous dead people? I can't even keep track of my car keys!"

So, Poe, I won't be reading any of your works today, and I didn't even know it was your birthday, and I guess it doesn't even matter to me that much, but I hope it was happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
Eleonora, 1841