Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Something I won't be wearing this winter...

Well, I know that I've gloated (especially to my Michigan friends) about the nice Nashville weather in the past, but I just can't resist gloating again. I got the new Land's End catalog in the mail today and, as I looked at the back cover advertising New Extreme Squall Boots, I just couldn't help thinking, "Well, that's something I won't be wearing this winter!" Yes, the thought of a mild winter still brings a smile to my face, even after experiencing one first-hand last year. It just doesn't get old!

But now that I've said that, we'll probably have the snowiest winter on record and I'll be out there in my flip-flops with blue toes and icy toenails. The Farmer's Almanac does provide me with some comfort (or a false sense of security), however, predicting a fairly mild winter for Tennessee. Yippee!

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