Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Overheard at the last Preds game...

"I am so sick of these bell bottom jeans! I can't wait for that fold & roll style to come back in!"

Of course, I was all about the old "fold & roll" back in high school (yes, even the guys were doing it!), but personally feel now that jeans with a little flare at the cuff are more flattering overall. I don't want to go back to folding and rolling, living the life of a peg-legged, oversized-shirtted, big-haired girl! It's just not me anymore!

And so I have chosen a new motto-of-the-day: "Just say NO to fo' and ro'!" I admit that not everyone is going to understand what my motto means and, as a result, it probably won't do much to stem the tide of retro fashion. But it's fun to say aloud at least (really, try it)!

Considering that I couldn't even find a photo of the fold and roll style on the internet, I'd say the fad is not knocking on door . . . yet. But when it does arrive, can stirrup pants be far behind?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Considering those hideous gauchos that are in this year, I don't think we're in danger of stirrups resurfacing yet! I finally got my first pair of flared-bottom jeans this fall, and I have to admit, I'm a big fan of the fold and roll days. I can do without the oversized tops and big hair, but I think the peg-leg look will always be near and dear to me...