Saturday, October 01, 2005

Inventors, help me out here!

Here are two very practical things that I wish someone would invent:

1. A cordless hair dryer. I have one hair dryer and one curling iron on my bathroom counter and each morning it seems like at least three minutes are spent untangling their cords. Sure I could wrap the cords up each morning so that they don't get tangled with each other or I could put them on opposite ends of the counter, but I would rather just have someone invent a cordless dryer.

2. A dryer lint screen that is easy to clean. I have never experienced an easy to clean lint screen (I use a vacuum to clean mine right now) and it seems that, with all the dryer technological improvements we currently have, it's a major oversight to not also improve the lint screens. Has the world gone mad?!

I just realized that both of these inventions involve drying things in some way. Apparently, I am obsessed with drying. Who knew? Coincidentally, I am also in love with my thirsty towel. It's good at drying, and I respect that. Thanks for creative inventing, Thirsty Towel inventor!


LMR said...

Thanks for the grammatical edits, shot baker. I have made the suggested changes. Truthfully, I like the word "ironic" better than the word "coincidental" so I overuse it. Ah, well!

Michael Hickerson said...

I am shocked that no one has come up with the cordless hair dryer yet...I mean, we have cordless every other device on the planet....

If I were an inventor, I'd get to work and totally take advantage of your idea...

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa -- clearly your blog has entered the deep dark areas of my brain. The 'cordless hair dryer' was a main part of my dream last night. I was at a concert of some sort and a guy on stage had a cordless dryer. (hey - it's a dream - I have no idea how to explain it) and after the show I tracked him down backstage and he gave it to me for you.

And back in the world of reality I thought they already existed. Battery operated for traveling or something...

Perhaps I've revealed too much. Back to life in A2. jane.

337is said...

Maybe you subconciously used "irony" as it has a slant allusion to another drying implement...namely the iron.

LMR said...

Jane, thanks for sharing your dream. I love dreams! I am excited that you were able to snag a cordless hair dryer for me, even if it wasn't in real life.

Actually, cordless hair dryers probably do exist. I did absolutely no research before writing that post. But if they do exist, then their marketing teams need to get out there and spread the word because I don't know about them, and I certainly do not live under a rock!

And there are few inventions which cannot be improved upon in some way... So maybe I just want a really awesome cordless hair dryer (if they already do exist, that is)!

Anonymous said...

i've been infected with your cordless hair dryer obsession...
i searched around
there were a couple places where people
to either know someone who had one (1 person)
or to actually own one personally (1 person)
however, google answers had the best
(and most depressing response)
evidently it's not feasible at this point
could be done...but too expensive
you can view the arguments for it here:

LMR said...

Hintowe, you rock! Although I already have a personal research assistant, I want you to know that I will bring you on board immediately, should my assistant no longer be able to fulfill his responsibilities. It's a good paying job and allows you to spend as much time as you want to online, researching stuff (of course)! I'll keep you posted.