Here's what we're having for breakfast this morning. It's a classic recipe, easy to make, and very delicious. Let me know if you ever get around to trying it and how the whole microwaved egg thing goes for you. It seems more scary than it actually is, but if you stir your eggs up too vigorously, they can get pretty
tall once your microwave them.
Stuff you will need:-1 egg-2 pieces of bread (English muffin, bagels, or sliced)-1 slice of cheese (preferrably not American)-3 pieces of bacon (we use veggie bacon)-1 sausage pattie (we use veggie sausage)-mayo (if you're using a dry bread, like we do)-garlic salt-pepper-seasoned salt-1 coffee mug, buttered on the inside (use a baggie, dip in margarine, then smear the inside of the mug)-1 extra baggie to go over the top of the mug when you microwave itDirections:-Cook the bacon and sausage first (we make ours in the oven, rather than fry it up or microwave it)-While the bacon and sausage is cooking, start "buttering your mugs" (sounds more risque than it really is -- hee, hee!)-Crack one egg into each buttered mug-Sprinkle garlic salt, pepper, and seasoned salt on top of each egg (the amount is up to you -- we tend to sprinkle liberally)-Stir egg and seasoning enthusiastically-Cover mug with baggie so that it appears that your mug is now wearing a plastic hat (pull baggie down over handle, at least, or it will fly off during the microwaving process)-Bacon and sausage should be done by now, so remove them from their cooking process (whatever that may be)-Put your bread in for its initial toasting (our toaster takes two rounds to get dark enough, but if yours does not, then you will have to adjust my toasting instructions)-When your bread pops up, put your egg in the microwave for one minute-Put your toast down for its final toasting-When your egg is done, pop up your toast-Spread mayo on your bread if it's a dry, dense bread (no mayo needed if you're using bagels or English muffins)-Break bacon slices in half and put three halves on each slice of bread-Put cheese slice on one piece of bread, on top of the bacon-Put sausage pattie on one slice of bread-Put cooked egg on top of sausage pattie-Put other slice of bread (with bacon) on top, completing sandwich-Microwave whole sandwich for 15-25 seconds to melt the cheeseEnjoy!