Thursday, November 03, 2005

Say "YES" to your off button!

After sitting in our staff meeting where the same person's cell phone rings every single week, I have to say that I admire the Packers coach and his tough line-drawing on this issue. Now that everyone, even grannies, have had cell phones for at least a year or two, it's inexcusable that people are still forgetting to turn them off when they go into church, to the symphony, to an art gallery, to class, and yes, even to meetings. But I still reserve a special kind of evil eye for the people who not only "forget" to turn their cell phones off but actually answer them in those same situations, thereby prolonging the interruption.

Although some people may offer up the defense of "It could be an emergency!" I have never heard anyone answer and say, "What?! Dad's in the hospital?!" and then immediately get up and leave. It's always, "Oh hey, yeah, I'm at the Opry. What are you up to? What? I can't hear you over this music! Sure, I'll speak up!"

I can't wait for those cell phone signal jammers to be legalized here in the US.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on this one - I've gotten in the habit of leaving my phone in my car when I go to restaurants or movies or even stores. I spent half of my lunch yesterday listening to some construction guy bark out orders to his contractors while he ate. He was oblivious to the fact that he was annoying everyone within 40 feet of him.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,

It's Pat! I can't believe you moved to TN! I just happened to be bored and went to the BMA site and saw your thread on the message boards.

When you get a chance, e-mail me and we'll catch up.

Tell Les I said "hi"...

337is said...

Conscientious types (such as I) have dreams similar to the old chestnut where you find yourself naked in a highly inappropriate time and place except instead of lacking clothing my cell phone is going off LOUDLY and will not be quieted regardless of how many buttons I mash.