Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Scooting Around

Through's newsletter, I read about this woman who is traveling around the US on her scooter (she's only a few months younger than me, so it was even more interesting to read about her). I knew I would just lose track of her website if I saved it to my Favorites, so I thought I'd post about it here on my blog.

Although I'm quite overwhelmed by the idea of planning for an adventure like the one she is about to go on, I have to say that a sense of excitement coursed through me as I read about her prep work and experiments. At heart, I long to be the wild adventurer, heading out into the unknown wilderness. In reality, I've grown practical and more cautious as I've gotten older. I wouldn't consider myself "dug in" (as my friend Den likes to call folks who won't move houses or change jobs for the rest of their lives), but I'm walking more down that path than the path of wild abandonment.

I think I'm okay with that at the moment. In truth, I'm a really great cheerleader and I can happily live vicariously through other people's experiences. But someday I may run free again, and then I'll be having too much fun to blog about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know me. I love adventure. Yes, I'm practical like you but dreaming of adventures can be just as excited as actually taking them. Plus, you don't have to worry about getting injured, lost, or spending way too much money.

That's why I enjoy reading so much. There you are, sitting in your chair, off on some great adventure - and no planning for it!

John Eldredge writes that perhaps we long for adventure so much because we know the great adventure that awaits us. I like that point of view.