Saturday, August 18, 2007

Potato Peelers

Les and I have tried the tricky Japanese shirt-folding technique with quite a bit of success, so this easy potato-peeling technique from Japan seems appealing (get it? a-PEEL-ing!), too. I am not a big fan of peeling potatoes because I'm afraid of somehow nicking my potato-holding hand with the peeler (although this has never actually happened <--- irrational fear!). Also, it seems like I've never been in a situation that required fewer than 25 peeled potatoes, so its always a long and tedious process. The end reward of creamy, delicious mashed potatoes makes it worth while, of course, but what if there was a better way?

Unfortunately, I do not have any potatoes on-hand because they're just not a very summery food to me. I guess I'm just posting this with the hopes that someone out there will try it and tell me if it works. Any research assistants out there?

One of the commentors on the potato peeling page said that this Japanese process takes longer than peeling potatoes with a knife. He or she may be correct, but it seems so much more rewarding to see the skin come off in one swoosh. I mean, would you rather sit at a stop light if it meant that you could drive 5 miles without being in stop-and-go traffic, or would you rather just inch along for the 5 miles because it meant that you were constantly in motion? Wait! I may have come up with the universal question that defines our personalities and divides us up into two diverse groups! Potato-rific!


Ben Shoemaker said...

I am very intrigued by this Japanese T-shirt folding technique. Looks pretty cool. I will have to try it out.

I love potato skins so the peeking is only of intellectual interest to me.

Also, a friend of mine was trying to prove that for any number of people divided into two groups, there is always another set of criteria on which you can divide them into two completely different but equally distinct groups. Makes sense to me.

Ben Shoemaker said...

peeking = peeling.