Saturday, September 24, 2005

Blogging Distractions

If someone had told me five months ago that my blogging would come to a screeching halt during the fall/winter months because of sports, I would have told them that they were on crack.

Yet, here we are, a couple of weeks into the football season and a week into the hockey pre-season, and that is exactly what has happened. I'm watching multiple football games on Sunday, attending multiple hockey games and fan events weekly, and updating my fantasy rosters daily. How can I get anything else done, I ask you?

We went to our first hockey game last night and are convinced that our seats are some of the best in the rink. We could see everything, but didn't feel like we were miles from the ice. We gave ourselves congratulatory handshakes for sitting in nearly every available seat during select-a-seat and picking the best location. We also sit by a lot of season ticket holders so we have long-time hockey fans around us which proves helpful when you didn't happen to see what the penalty call was or didn't catch the name of a player as he skated by.

So, for those of you who are wondering where I have been over the last month, wonder no more. I'm watching a game!


mike g said...

They hate the Wings in Nashville. How is Les coping with that? They hate the Wings here in St. Louis as well so I know what it is like to be in hostile territory.

337is said...

It's easy to hate on the Wings...big, big target! I reckon the haters will have lots to be happy about this year as I think they will struggle to make the playoffs. They're star is in decline and the younger, faster teams will shine. Look out for Calgary this year!