Monday, August 29, 2005

Land Between the Lakes

I was in charge of our activity schedule this weekend and, after paging through a couple of books about "Things to do in Tennessee," I decided that we really should drive up to Land Between the Lakes and check it out.

It's about a two-hour drive from our house through some very rural parts of TN, but I thought it was well worth the trip. There are some great hiking trails and lots of cool wildlife to look at, including elk and bison! Les took the photo above of bison crossing the road at twilight (artsy!). Those bison are pretty large when they're standing next to your car, especially if you're driving a little Ford Focus. I felt like we could have been trampled in our car by those hairy beasts!

In mid- to late-September, the elk apparently start getting territorial (annual rut season) and you can hear them trumpeting and see them clashing their racks. If you were ever thinking about visiting LBL, a month from now is a great time to do it!

1 comment:

337is said...

You say you were intimidated by the size of the bison...I was intimidated by the size of their, erm...droppings. A fella' could get lost in one!