Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Conversations with My Sister

This conversation with my sister from two Thanksgivings ago just popped into my head. Thought I'd share it here.

The scene: A three-mile hike through the woods of rural Virginia. Due to our fast walking pace, we've left the guys in our dust long ago.

Topics of conversation: Everything, including my brother-in-law and sister wanting to move to Mexico


Me: Sometimes living in The South just feels so "un-me." I'm not into big hair, big purses, and fashion.

My Sister: You're wearing a black, dry clean only shawl on a hike in the woods...

Me: (thoughtful pause)

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Sunday, October 02, 2011

It's Hot Chocolate Time

It is chilly enough outside (and inside at 67 degrees) now that we are in a hot chocolate mood here in Nashville. We've just gone vegan and I threw away our Swiss Miss in the great pantry clean-out, but I had several boxes of Abuelita on-hand still. It appears to be vegan and so I melted it down in a pot of soy milk. One cocoa block per four cups of "milk" makes a warm and comforting treat on a cool evening.

That wooden Mexican frothing tool (we picked ours up last Thanksgiving in Oaxaca, Mexico) makes it all the smoother and creamier, plus it's fun to use. A delicious treat that I'm sure will be a staple as the season progresses.