Tuesday, July 07, 2009

A Month of Compliments

I just finished a Twitter/Facebook status update series called "Lisa's Morning Compliments," wherein I typed up a compliment to the world every morning. I thought someone might like to see all the compliments collected in one place (or might need 31 compliments in a row), so here they are in the order I posted them:
  1. You've always been one of my favorites!
  2. You are going to be super-awesome today -- I can tell just by looking at you!
  3. I've never seen you so relaxed! The weekend looks good on you!
  4. We are all getting older, but YOU look like time is standing still (or reversing). Amazing!
  5. For many, Monday's "M" stands for "madness." For you, the "M" stands for "majorly-awesome." Have a triumphant day!
  6. It makes me feel happy when I see your smiling face before I head to work. Starts the day off right!
  7. Your personality sure is sparkling today! Way to brighten up the middle of the week!
  8. You're looking confident today and it's Thursday. You've got this week in the bag! I knew you could do it!
  9. You did a great job keeping it all together this week! Enjoy your TGIF in a big way!
  10. You are having a great hair day! Even you baldies have a nice shine going! Enjoy the looks of admiration!
  11. You lead such an interesting life! I love hearing about all your adventures!
  12. Did you get some sun this weekend? You're positively glowing!
  13. I love your eye-color!
  14. You're a great friend! I always feel cared about, whether you're far or near!
  15. Three words describe you today (courtesy of my Peggle game): "Cranking the awesomeness." Bring it!
  16. You are so cleverly humorous!
  17. There is a simple elegance about you...
  18. You make any party feel even partier! You're so fun to be around!
  19. You eat Monday for breakfast! Consider yourself triumphant before the day even begins!
  20. You use your powers for good, not evil.
  21. You're good enough, and smart enough, and gosh darn it, people LIKE you! (thank you, Stuart Smalley)
  22. Your "charm" dial goes all the way up to 11!
  23. You rocked this week! I now know what an "A+ game" looks like, and it's pretty amazing!
  24. You've never gotten older, only better. You seem to be eternally-youthful!
  25. You have great taste in music. I've learned about so many cool bands, thanks to you!
  26. You're young, you're fly, and you're gonna stay flashy till the day that you die! (with a nod to my favorite CD from Girl Talk)
  27. You've got a chilled-out kind of vibe going. Way to bring summer into your mid-week life!
  28. One of my favorite things about you is your unique perspective on life. You aren't like everyone else, and that's a good thing!
  29. You are full of WIN!
  30. Your own struggles and triumphs in the realm of personal independence inspire me -- emotional, financial, physical, social, and so much more! Stay the course and celebrate your achievements!
  31. I though you used all your sparklers yesterday -- yet you're still sparkling today!!
Takeaways from this exercise:
  1. People really seemed to respond to the compliments, even when I sometimes doubted that I was able to convey the right complimentary tone in a sincere way. Sarcasm was NEVER my intention, but after 31 days of writing up generic compliments, I sometimes wondered if I was pulling it off.
  2. I get the impression that a lot of people need to hear more positive words. Bring the praise, people!
  3. I got a lot of compliments in return. This was an added bonus surprise!
  4. It was kind of hard for me to come up with this many compliments and I had to cheat by quoting songs or pop culture icons sometimes. I felt bad about that, thinking my creativity is more amazing than it ended up being, but it was all worth it to bring the compliments to the people.
  5. I wasn't sure what people would prefer to be complimented on -- wit, looks, work ethic, vibrancy, etc. I never knew what would resonate with people or what wouldn't. The comments on Facebook were fun and surprising to read.

Spreading some positivity daily was a happy thrill for me. I am trying to think up a new series that will accomplish something similar, but haven't struck creative gold yet. Any ideas?